St. Martin Center for Professional Ethics

— A. Jamorn Krasantipotorn
— A. Benhyahthip Aungkoonwatthana

— Dr. Fumihiko Matsumoto

About Us
We envision our students and graduates to be persons of moral characters, integrity, and social consciousness to maintain righteousness and justice in their personal and social life.
- Responding to AU’s Uniqueness and Identity to inculcate ethics to AU’s students focusing on integrity, discipline and social consciousness.
- Forming students to be persons of moral characters, social consciousness and integrity.
- Developing students’ cognitive moral reasoning and fostering moral maturity.
Course Code:
BG 14031 - BG 14038
Course Title:
Professional Ethics Seminar
Total Credits:
Non-Credit required course
for all Assumption University undergraduate students.
Passing Score (Grade ‘S’) = 80-100
Failing Score (Grade ‘W’) = 0-79
Professional Ethics Seminar Courses: